Category Archives: Artist

Exhibitions and Art Projects

2017 Historical Museum of the City St.Valentin, Alois Riedl Priska Riedl – ‘out of paper pulp fiction’, St.Valentin, Lower Austria

Museums of the National Government, Nationalgallery, Bauhaus – Beziehungen Oberösterreich – ‘bauhaus.stoff’, Linz, Upper Austria

2016 Art Collection of the National Government ‘Die Kunstsammlung packt aus ’– paper pulp fiction #16’, Linz, Upper Austria

Centro Cultural Banco do Brasil ‘Nature, Diversity & Paper Arts ’ – paper pulp fiction #19’, Brasília, Brazil

2015 City Museum Schärding ‘Melange – Contemporary Art and Design from Vienna – Linz – Berlin’ – paper pulp fiction #4’, Schärding, Austria

Galerie Freiraum ‘Annerose Alois Priska RIEDL’ – paper pulp fiction #17 a-f’, Schärding, Austria

City Museum Deggendorf ‘Global Paper 3 –International Paper Art Triennial ’ – paper pulp fiction #17 a-b’, Deggendorf, Germany

Galerie MAERZ ‘Der Brand meines Hauses ist Unheil und Flamme zugleich’ – paper pulp fiction #18’, Linz, Austria

2013 ‘100 Years MAERZ- View 3 (MAERZ 2003–2013) supersummativ ’ – paper pulp fiction #16’, Gallery – Artist Collaborative MAERZ, Linz, Austria

Kunsthaus Gallery Riedl & Breicha ‘Half a Century of Sculpture – Soul Comforter’, Schärding, Austria

2012 Opening exhibition of ‘artspace on display ’ Space for Art Production and Presentation, Linz, Austria

Open House ‘bauhaus.fabric’ at artspace on display, Linz, Austria

2011 69 Smith St. Gallery ‘sculptural and artist books exhibition –  paper pulp fiction #8’, Victoria, Australia
2010 Studio Ingrid Gaier ‘bauhaus.fabric’, Vienna, Austria

Galeria X   ‘Inspired by Paper ’– paper pulp fiction #9’, Bratislava, Slovakia

Papier Wespe Wien, ‘One of a Kind‘ ­– paper pulp fiction #8’, traveling exhbit: Galerie blaugelbe Zwettl – Austrian Papermakers Museum – Steyrermühl, Austria

2009 Galerie MAERZ Wasserfarbenbeherrschungsüberprüfungsaktion’ – paper pulp fiction #7’, Linz, Austria

New City Hall, Cultural Capital Linz 09/ Urban Project Alturfahr – ‘paper pulp fiction #6 (detail)’, Linz, Austria

2008 Public Commission ‘Linz Views’ Permanent Installation at the Senior Citizen Center Franz Hillinger, Linz, Austria
2007 City Museum Deggendorf ‘Paper Road – International Paper Art Triennial‘ – paper pulp fiction #6’, Deggendorf, Germany
2006 ACC Galerie ‘Other Places – Positions to Weimar and Linz’ – bauhaus.fabric’, Weimar, Germany

Galerie Austria Paper Museum ‘Paper Road  – International Paper Art Triennial’ – paper pulp fiction #6’, Steyrermühl, Austria

Kunstverein Paradigma ‘Ilona Pachler & Friends’ ­– Tuchfühlung’, Linz, Austria

2005 Deutsch-Villa ‘ein/richten’ – paper pulp fiction #4’, St.Wolfgang, Austria

Margret Bilger Galerie ‘Jump in the gene pool’, Schlierbach, Austria

2004 Atelier340Muzeum ‘l´objet détourné(s)’ – Soul Comforter’, Brussels, Belgium

Museum Nordico ‘made in upper austria’ – paper pulp fiction #4 (detail)’, Linz, Austria

2003 Galerie MAERZ ‘neu im MAERZ’ – paper pulp fiction #4’, Linz, Austria

Austrian Paper Muesum ‘Zellstoff – Kunststoff’ – paper pulp fiction #4’, Gmunden Festival 03, Steyrermühl, Austria

Galerie Lang ‘foot in leg’ – fishing for’, Vienna, Austria

2002 VKB Public Commision ‘paper pulp fiction #3’ – Permanent Installation, Ostermiething, Austria
2001 Museum for Work and Culture ‘the art of working Qi – interactive objects for Qi practice’, Steyr, Austria
2000 Galerie Kunstuniversität Linz ‘drawings of surroundings Stadtwerkstatt Linz 79-99’ – smoking – non smoking’, Linz, Austria

on site installation at the river Neretva ‘unique sign – unique location’ – floating globes’, Mostar, Bosnia – Herzegovina

Netherlands Textile Museum & Museum of Sience and Industry ‘flexible – close to the body’ ­– Soul Comforters’, Traveling exhibition: Tilburg, Netherlands – Manchester, Great Britain – Wroclaw, Poland

Biography Priska Riedl

Priska Riedl works in her art practice as an independent studio artist. She is a tenured professor at the Art University in Linz, Austria where she teaches textile art and design. She has been expanding her artistic career since the middle 1980’s.In her work she is investigating the areas of two dimensional art and sculpture. The context of her view of the human body its spatial relation context, site specific works as well as art with an environmental content. Continue reading